Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Diet Calculation
Online Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Diet Calculation for helping women to calculate BMI, IBW, ABW, BMR, weight gain during pregnancy and how much kcal should be taken daily in the diet.
This calculator will show you if your weight gain during pregnancy is within the recommended range and how many kilograms you should ideally gain by the due date.
All of the following data in this Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Diet Calculation are for guidance only and are for convenience only. Always consult your doctor about diet during pregnancy.
The recommended weight gains do not apply to multi-fetal pregnancies.
Body Mass Index (BMI) = weight / (height * height)
Ideal Body Weight (IBW) = 45.5+(((height*0.393700787)-60)*2.3)
Adjusted Body Weight (ABW) = IBW + 0.4 (actual weight – IBW)
Basal Metabolic Rate = 655.1 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) – (4.7 * age)
Calories = BMR * factor